Jigsaw Stage Productions An amateur Drama Group Performing in Wantage and Didcot areas

We are always looking for cast & crew,

We rehearse on Sundays afternoons & Thursday evenings.

Phone 07765 057107 for further details.
Email: infoJigsawStageProductions@gmail.com

Or see our Facebook page:

Our next production is:- Performances will be at:- Cornerstone, Didcot Friday 23 May at 7.45 and Saturday 24 May at 2.30 & 7.45 The Beacon, Wantage Friday 30 May 7.30 and Saturday 31 May 2.30 & 7.30 Fiddler on the Roof

It’s 1905 in the tiny village of Anatevka where Tevye, a Jewish milkman, lives his life by their proud traditions. For his five daughters, that means a visit from the matchmaker… But as each daughter challenges his beliefs, against the backdrop of a changing world, can Tevye hold on to his roots, or must he bend to the will of his children and learn to embrace the unfamiliar? Featuring glorious songs, ‘If I Were A Rich Man’, ‘Tradition’, ‘Matchmaker’ and ‘Sunrise, Sunset’.

Tickets £18 (£17 Conc) including booking fees Buy Cornerstone, Didcot Tickets www.cornerstone-arts.org Buy The Beacon, Wantage Tickets www.trybooking.com/uk/EPCT Available from the venues or on-line:-